Saturday, July 23, 2011


A few of Kate's current (cute) words:
  • hippopomolus
  • bicle (bicycle)
  • helpacopler (helicopter)
  • teh-bear (teddy bear)
  • bokalers (binoculars)

July 2011

Here are the latest highlights from our backyard and beyond...

Watching the RCMP Musical Ride

Hiking in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

We had a great holiday in the States, spending a week in Virginia and a few days in Washington DC.  We got to see some friends and their new baby too!

Canoeing on the Rideau Canal

Using our new canoe trailer

(This got us quite a few looks going through town, I can assure you.)

Swimming at Bon Echo Provincial Park

We've just returned from a few days of camping.  Kate didn't sleep very well in the tent, but she LOVED the beach.  Hopefully she will get used to the tent! 

Now it's back to work on Monday...